HIV - Some true facts that were never brought to light!

 WARNING:  This blog is just informative. We have written this blog based on the knowledge we have received or read. We do not mean to demean any society or country. This blog spells the truth that we have read and any other views are accepted. This is just a piece of something that we have read and we are searching for more evidences against it. No spreading of hate and false information shall be appreciated and entertained. If any query please read the extract we are about to write and or contact us on the ID's given below.

HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus that is known to cause the world's most famous and feared disease called AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It was first Identified in USA in 18th May 1981 in New York Native (Gay newspaper) and clinically 1st reported on 5th June 1981 in USA. Initial Cluster of cases were from drug injectors, which later on presented with Kaposi's sarcoma and impaired immune response showing Pneumocystis jirovecii infection Pneumonia.

Robert Gallo claimed that this virus showed similar structure to HTLV virus or Human T lymphocyte Virus. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 are believed to be non human in origin. HIV-1 is a direct evolved form of SIVcpz epidemic which occured in Africa. SIV stands for Simian Immunodeficiency Virus that predominantly affects Wild Chimpanzee.

Impact of HIV on Economy  Since HIV is the leading cause of death in countries where sexual practices are done without use of contraceptives, the economy faces a huge fall. The GDP falls due to lack of human resource. It is estimated that in 2007 12 million AIDS orphans that were carried by their elderly grandparents and their survival rate was very low, hence the GDP fell drastically. 

Treatment options- HIV is treatable in early cases, i.e. If it is detected earlier then it is curable; but it is not the ideal case. New born children can get the Anti-retroviral Therapy that cures AIDS and helps them to live a healthy life, but in adults the case is different. There is approximately a span of 7-10 years after initial exposure for the symptoms to occur. Till that time, the immune system of the patient is deteriorated and multiple infections start manifesting due to low WBC (white Blood Cell) count. The diagnostic and monitoring parameter for HIV is the CD4 Cell count. Lower the CD4 count, higher is the AIDS infection and vice versa. 
But something is not being done right!

There is a patent in USA which was patented on 14th October 1997 stating, "Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices".

The patent states that on injecting of 40 ppm of tetrasilver tetroxide(Ag4O4), the immunity of the person recovers and the patient is fully free of HIV. 
The mechanism of this device is such that the diamagnetic property of silver, when injected inside the bloodstream in a concentration of 40 ppm, it will create a chelating reaction that will bind all the virus's active site and creates a chain reaction that will result in the death of the virus. The reaction is such that there is hepatomegaly, i.e. liver enlargement but there is no compromise in the liver function, i.e. the 
liver function remains normal.

Earlier experiments done on this same thing showed destruction of virus at 20 ppm dose, but inhalational method was used for treatment and the fact that these were documented as non toxic and non lethal. (US Patent no. 5336499).
The AIDS patients comprised the etiological subgroups, Candidiasis and Wasting Syndrome. Current indicator diseases for diagnosing AIDS which have been expanded by the CDC, fall into the following five major categories with the approximate percent distribution among AIDS patients:
 1. P. carinii pneumonia 51% 
2. Wasting syndrome 19% 
3. Candidiasis 13% 
4. Kaposi's sarcoma 11% 
5. Dementia 6% 

This patent generally dealt with the patients that had Candidiasis and Wasting syndrome.


The main object of the invention is to provide for a molecular scale device of a single tetrasilver tetroxide crystalline molecule capable of restoring the immunity of AIDS afflicted humans of the two AIDS etiological subgroups, candidiasis and wasting syndrome.

Another object of the invention is to provide for immunity restoration in said AIDS afflicted humans through a single injection.

Another object of this invention is to destroy ISM in humans manifesting AIDS diseases of said AIDS etiological subgroups irrespective as to whether said ISM was HIV induced, since it is known that humans may manifest AIDS and still be HIV negative, and thus restore the immune system in said humans.

Another object of this invention is to destroy the AIDS virus when present in the systems of said AIDS afflicted humans. 

Fever is documented after the injection of the Tetrasil(Ag4O4), but it showed the presence of immunologic response of the body towards the virus. The onset of hepatomegaly was not spontaneous and varied from patient to patient, being in the range of 4-16 days.

PS- We have not added any personal words to modify the truth. These are some of the lines that are present in the patented document and all credit goes to them. You can search the patent in google patents by typing US005676977 or US5676977.
You can read it directly by clicking below.

Please let us know what you think about it and help us gather more evidences against this patent so that it can be made clear that if this is a treatment option for HIV then the world can surely be made safe against HIV. Although the documentation is for a particular group of patients, we hope to find a broad range of patient group that will conclude that tetrasil can be used in treatment.

Authors - Dr. Yogiraj Karambelkar and Dr. Manuj Dhayal.

Contact us  - @_uzumakisenpai_  @kingmnjd09 @creativesparkblogs


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