Introduction to Sports Injury

 Sports Injury

                    By - Dr. Manuj Dhayal

It's the time of the year where we used to play many sports competitions and also see our favourite players from their respective sports playing.

As we all know due to COVID-19 all sports league was put on hold and as the things are coming back to normal including all the sports come back to action.

Leagues like NBA, NFL, IPL, etc. Have resumed their season, and with the resumption we see how players have to live in a closed condition like THE ORLANDO BUBBLE (NBA), so we are able to see how these players are able to keep themselves in best shape and try to prevent injury, which is the toughest part of a player's life.

So here are some of the most common injuries which occurs in the game of basketball 🏀.

This is a general classification of the basketball injuries that a baller has to face some time in his/her lifetime.

 1. Foot/Ankle Injuries



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Injuries to the lower extremities were far and away the most prevalent, with foot and ankle problems being the worst offender. Whether it's rolling an ankle, getting awkwardly hit in a scramble for the ball, or accidentally getting stepped on, basketball naturally leaves athletes more open to these types of injuries.


Prevention: Preventing foot and ankle injuries is all about support. Before you hit the court, make sure you have the right footwear for the occasion. Indoor basketball shoes help prevent slipping on indoor playing surfaces, and in general, a good pair of basketball shoes will provide a higher profile and more support around the ankle. It also doesn't hurt to tape up your ankle with athletic tape before a game if you want to take extra preventative measures or are prone to ankle injuries.


2. Hip/Thigh Injuries


 Pivoting, running, jumping, and rebounding all place extra strain on the legs and hips, leaving players open to a variety of injuries. Hip strains and bruises can occur from contact on the court or over-extending of muscles and ligaments.

 Prevention: Some injuries suffered through contact just can't be prevented, but when in doubt, stretching is always a good plan of action. The more flexible your muscles and tendons are, the less likely you'll be to over-extend them and injure yourself in the process. Stretching out your hips is a key way to warm up before you play.

  3. Knee Injuries

Severe injuries like ACL tears are not as common in basketball as they are in high-contact sports, but knee injuries -- mostly minor sprains and strains -- still have the third highest incidence of occurring in basketball.

 Prevention: Strengthening the muscles in your legs will help build better support foryour knees, so this is one where hitting the gym can really help. And as we mentioned above, always remember to thoroughly stretch before activity. If you know you have bad knees and are susceptible to injury, getting a good knee brace is also a smart idea.


 4. Wrist/Hand Injuries

It's actually surprising that these aren't more common given that the game is played primarily with the hands, but only around 11% of basketball injuries occur to the wrist/hand/forearm according to some studies.

 Prevention: Keeping your hands and wrists in healthy condition is more about awareness than anything else. Be sure to look the ball right into your hands when someone passes it to you; looking away before you've caught the ball is a great way to jam a finger. And always keep an eye out for other players on the court. The less you run into other players, the better.


5. Head/Face Injuries

Bumping heads with another player or taking an accidental elbow to the face is never a fun situation. Getting hit in the face with the ball is probably even worse, given the imminent embarrassment.

 Prevention: The important thing to watch out for here is concussion symptoms. There aren't many steps you can take to avoid contact to the head, but if you do, be sure to carefully monitor your symptoms If there is any sign of concussion at all, seek immediate help from a professional.

 A recommendation to all the athletes, no matter what sport they play is to follow a proper warmup, which helps the muscles to get ready for the game.

And the other point is proper equipment (no need to be expensive, but should be sturdy and good quality) may it be shoes, socks, gloves, knee pads, ankle wrap, etc...

 We'll cover each and every injury in detail in the upcoming blogs


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