Often we see babies crying and sometimes we don't know the cause. It is difficult to make out anything just by looking at the crying baby. Hence we need to look for certain things that might lead us to a conclusion of why the baby is crying.

Look for organic causes -
1. Injury
2. insect bite
3. Swelling .... etc
For this strip the baby completely, but keeping in mind that the baby is still warm enough that there is no chance of hypothermia (if the air surrounding is cold).

Examine all extremities, head, neck, etc for trauma, swelling.
Abdominal examination is done to rule out any Tenderness, mass, visible peristalsis, obstructions etc.

Examine the ear drums (for otitis media - a middle ear infection caused by generally staphylococcus group of organisms)
Check for neck stiffness (if present may indicate meningitis)
Check for the fontanels (palpate them generally, note for any tenderness, swelling, depression etc)

If the child is hungry, feed him/her with breast milk. 
If the abdomen is bloated, with no tenderness and baby is slightly breathing heavily, it may indicate that he/she is having gas problem and it should be relieved by gently moving your hand over the abdomen. This relieves the pressure and causes the gas to escape.

If there is sudden colic + flexion of legs + flushing of face, it indicates EVENING COLIC. 
Colic - abdominal pain caused by obstruction in intestines. Occurs in babies.

If the teeth are appearing, it causes pain and thus gentle massage on gums can help relieve the pain. Ice cubes (small) wrapped in clean clothes for chewing can also help in relieving the pain.

Check if the diaper is not wet. Wet diaper may lead to rashes and irritation, thus making the baby cry.
Check if the safety pin (if used) is not poking the baby, it also makes the baby cry.

Sometimes, if the babies are left alone for a long time, they cry. Cuddle them, carry them for a walk helps in calming them.

Also note, if the nature of the child is shy and crying, then the baby will cry. 


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