Breastfeeding is the primary source of nutrition for babies.
As the age advances, the breast milk is slowly transitioned to semi-solid foods to solid foods.
The breast milk contains antibodies, that give immunity to the baby. It also has sugars, proteins and fat that are easily digested by the baby.

For the baby to completely drink the milk, there should be sufficient contact between the mouth and the nipple. Ensure that the head of the baby is supported, lips wide open, lips touching the areola, and there is no obstruction.
This leads to a proper mouth opening and feed is easy.

Conditions when milk is not given - 
1. Fissure in nipple - Give rest to nipple for about 4 days. Squeeze out the milk and give it to the baby. Avoid cleaning the nipple with alcohol or spirit as it causes irritation.
2. Breast abscess
3. Tuberculosis (mother)
4. Allergy to breast milk

Lactation can be inhibited if drugs like stilbestrol is used.
[Stilbestrol - 5 microgram OD x 4 days]

Lactation is stimulated by the action of sucking by the baby. The lactation can also be increased by taking drugs like Leptaden (ayurvedic drug).

To avoid Belching or burping, advice the mother to sit while feeding, Give 3-4 teaspoons of hot water to drink. (hot water in the sense that it is hot enough for the baby to swallow. Excessive heating of water can cause burns and internal damage to the mucosa of the gut). After feeding from one breast, hold the child upright and slightly press the abdomen, this causes release of excess gas in stomach (if present) and then continue feeding from other breast.

Vomiting is also seen sometimes. If the vomiting is projectile, it is suggestive of pyloric stenosis.
If feeding the breast milk from a bottle with rubber nipple, the rubber nipple should be cleaned every time it is used. This ensures that there is no infection of the rubber nipple, thus preventing diarrhoea.

If feeding buffalo milk, it should be diluted and certain things should be added so as to make it suitable for intake. This method is called as Humanization of milk.

upto 2 months = 45 mL milk + 45 mL water + 3/4th teaspoon of sugar (6 feeds)
4 months = 90 mL milk + 60 mL water + 1 teaspoon of sugar (6 feeds)
6 months = 200 mL milk + 2 tbsp of sugar (4 feeds)
8 months = 240 mL milk + 2 tbsp of sugar (4 feeds)


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