The Human Body has 3 pairs of salivary glands located in the body. These are Parotid, Submaxillary and Sublingual. Parotid salivary gland is present on the masseter muscle and can be felt on the surface of the skin of the jaw. Rest of the glands are located a bit deep, but can be palpated. Our body contains a pair of previously overlooked and clinically relevant nasopharyngeal salivary glands, according to new research led by the Netherlands Cancer Institute and the University of Amsterdam. Sparing these newly-identified glands, named the ‘tubarial glands,’ in patients receiving radiotherapy may provide an opportunity to improve their quality of life. There are 2 types of glands in the body, Major and minor. Parotid, submandibular and submaxillary are considered as MAJOR Salivary glands, where as thousands of minor salivary glands are distributed along the nasopharynx and oral mucosa. These glands produce the saliva required for mastication, swallowing, digestion, tasting an...