The cell is the basic and most fundamental structure of the human body. It contains all the things required for the functioning. A cell is basically the command centre. Millions of such command centres gather together to form an organism. The 1st cells to form are the stem cells. They form the basis of the human body. There are various properties of stem cells that include pluripotency, multipotency, nullipotent and totipotency. This video shows the mitotic division of the stem cell. Note the mitotic spindle formed that leads to division. As the zygote further grows the fundamental properties of cell become more potent. This is where the cells decide their functions and behave as they are. This property of cell is called as differentiation; a process where the cell takes up a particular function or cells of particular function gather up to perform a function later turning into a tissue and organ. This event generally happens in the 2nd and 3rd week of intrauterin...